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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
12/20/20 Growing Through Temptation Nzemeke, Victor N/A Sunday AM Worship Growing_Through_Temptation.pdf
12/13/20 Compromise Siemens, David N/A Sunday AM Worship 20201213_DS_-_Compromise.pdf
11/22/20 Successes of the First Century Church - Part 4 Siemens, David Successes of the First Century Church Sunday AM Worship 20201122_DS_-_FirstCenturyChurchSuccesses04.pdf 20201122_DS_-_FirstCenturyChurchSuccesses04.m4a
11/08/20 Successes of the First Century Church - Part 3 Siemens, David Successes of the First Century Church Sunday AM Worship 20201108_DS_-_FirstCenturyChurchSuccesses03.pdf 20201108_DS_-_FirstCentury_ChurchSuccesses03.m4a
11/01/20 Abiding in God's Word Nzemeke, Victor N/A Sunday AM Worship Abiding_in_Gods_Word-_Sermon.pdf
10/25/20 The Test of Joy Kowalchuk, Kelly N/A Sunday AM Worship 20201025_KK_-_The_Test_of_Joy.pdf
10/11/20 Walking Together In Unity - 2. Gentleness Elijah, Ekikere Walking Together in Unity Sunday AM Worship 20201011_EE_Walking_Together_In_Unity_-_2._Gentleness.pdf
10/04/20 Successes of the First Century Church - Part 2 Siemens, David Successes of the First Century Church Sunday AM Worship 20201004_DS_-_FirstCenturyChurchSuccesses02.pdf
09/27/20 Stepping in the Light Kowalchuk, Kelly N/A Sunday AM Worship 20200927_KK_-_Stepping_in_the_Light.pdf
09/20/20 Successes of the First Century Church - Part 1 Siemens, David Successes of the First Century Church Sunday AM Worship 20200920_DS_-_FirstCenturyChurchSuccesses01.pdf
09/13/20 Walking Together In Unity - 1. Lowliness Elijah, Ekikere Walking Together in Unity Sunday AM Worship 20200913_EE_-_Walking_Together_In_Unity_-_1._Lowliness.pdf
09/06/20 Gaius/Diotrephes Kowalchuk, Kelly N/A Sunday AM Worship 20200906_KK_-_Beware_Diotrephes_at_Work-1607626632.pdf 20200906_KK_-_Gaius.pdf
08/30/20 How Do You Pray? - 4. Intercession Kowalchuk, Kelly How Do You Pray? Sunday AM Worship 20200830_KK_-_How_Do_You_Pray_-_4._Intercession.pdf
08/23/20 How Do You Pray? - 3. Petition Kowalchuk, Kelly How Do You Pray? Sunday AM Worship 20200823_KK_-_How_Do_You_Pray_-_3._Petition_.pdf
08/16/20 How Do You Pray? - 2. Confession Kowalchuk, Kelly How Do You Pray? Sunday AM Worship 20200816_KK_-_How_Do_You_Pray_-_2._Confession.pdf
08/09/20 How Do You Pray? - 1. Praise Kowalchuk, Kelly How Do You Pray? Sunday AM Worship 20200809_KK_-_How_Do_You_Pray_-_1._Praise.pdf

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