MCOC Podcast

MCOC Podcast

Welcome to Mountainview church of Christ's podcast page. We hope you are edified by our sermons and lessons on God's word and pray that they bring you closer to His son Jesus Christ. Amen.

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
01/03/21 Praise God for His Faithfulness and Justice Elijah, Ekikere Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship 20210102_EE_Praise_God_for_His_Faithfulness_and_Justice.pdf
12/27/20 Nazirite Vow vs Christian Commitment Elijah, Ekikere Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship 20210404_EE_The_Nazirite_Vow_.pdf
12/20/20 Growing Through Temptation Nzemeke, Victor Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship Growing_Through_Temptation.pdf
12/13/20 Compromise Siemens, David Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship 20201213_DS_-_Compromise.pdf
11/22/20 Successes of the First Century Church - Part 4 Siemens, David Sermon Successes of the First Century Church Sunday AM Worship 20201122_DS_-_FirstCenturyChurchSuccesses04.pdf 20201122_DS_-_FirstCenturyChurchSuccesses04.m4a
11/08/20 Successes of the First Century Church - Part 3 Siemens, David Sermon Successes of the First Century Church Sunday AM Worship 20201108_DS_-_FirstCenturyChurchSuccesses03.pdf 20201108_DS_-_FirstCentury_ChurchSuccesses03.m4a
11/01/20 Abiding in God's Word Nzemeke, Victor Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship Abiding_in_Gods_Word-_Sermon.pdf
10/25/20 The Test of Joy Kowalchuk, Kelly Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship 20201025_KK_-_The_Test_of_Joy.pdf
10/11/20 Walking Together In Unity - 2. Gentleness Elijah, Ekikere Sermon Walking Together in Unity Sunday AM Worship 20201011_EE_Walking_Together_In_Unity_-_2._Gentleness.pdf
10/04/20 Successes of the First Century Church - Part 2 Siemens, David Sermon Successes of the First Century Church Sunday AM Worship 20201004_DS_-_FirstCenturyChurchSuccesses02.pdf
09/27/20 Stepping in the Light Kowalchuk, Kelly Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship 20200927_KK_-_Stepping_in_the_Light.pdf
09/20/20 Successes of the First Century Church - Part 1 Siemens, David Sermon Successes of the First Century Church Sunday AM Worship 20200920_DS_-_FirstCenturyChurchSuccesses01.pdf
09/13/20 Walking Together In Unity - 1. Lowliness Elijah, Ekikere Sermon Walking Together in Unity Sunday AM Worship 20200913_EE_-_Walking_Together_In_Unity_-_1._Lowliness.pdf
09/06/20 Gaius/Diotrephes Kowalchuk, Kelly Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship 20200906_KK_-_Beware_Diotrephes_at_Work-1607626632.pdf 20200906_KK_-_Gaius.pdf
08/30/20 How Do You Pray? - 4. Intercession Kowalchuk, Kelly Sermon How Do You Pray? Sunday AM Worship 20200830_KK_-_How_Do_You_Pray_-_4._Intercession.pdf
08/23/20 How Do You Pray? - 3. Petition Kowalchuk, Kelly Sermon How Do You Pray? Sunday AM Worship 20200823_KK_-_How_Do_You_Pray_-_3._Petition_.pdf
08/16/20 How Do You Pray? - 2. Confession Kowalchuk, Kelly Sermon How Do You Pray? Sunday AM Worship 20200816_KK_-_How_Do_You_Pray_-_2._Confession.pdf
08/09/20 How Do You Pray? - 1. Praise Kowalchuk, Kelly Sermon How Do You Pray? Sunday AM Worship 20200809_KK_-_How_Do_You_Pray_-_1._Praise.pdf

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